主 讲 人:戴希 教授
上课地点:物理研究所 M830室
联 系 人:李军 联系方式:82649890
- Mathematical preparation: a bit of differential geometry, topology, manifold, connection, fiber bundle…
- review of band theory: Bloch theorem, energy band, density functional theory and LDA, Berry’s curvature, Wannier function and maximum localized Wannier function
- TI in one dimensional systems: SSH model, Wannier center, edge states, Kitaev chain and Majarana bound states
- Spin Hall effect and quantum spin Hall effect: Spin Chern number, QWZ model and Haldane model
- TI without time reversal symmetry: Chern insulators and quantum anomalous Hall effect, U(1) phase obstruction, Wannier center evolution and Chern number
- Z2 topological invariance: U(2N) non-Abelian obstruction & U(2N) Wilson loop and Wannier center evolution
- Graphene, quantum spin Hall systems and 2D topological insulators: electronic structure of Graphene, Symmetry and spin orbital coupling, HgTe quantum Well, band inversion mechanism and BHZ model
- 3D topological insulators: strong and weak topological insulators, topological insulators with inversion symmetry, Bi/Sb alloy and Bi2Se3 family
- Dirac type surface states in 3D topological insulators I: spin-momentum locking, pseudo spin and real spin, angle resolved photo emission; Circular dichroism; spin resolved ARPES; surface Landau levels and quantum oscillation; weak localization and surface transport; surface quantum Hall effect
- magnetically doped Bi2Se3/Bi2Te3 thin film and quantum anomalous Hall effect: band inversion and Van Vleck mechanism for ferromagnetism; chiral edge states
- from 3D topological insulators to topological semi metal: Dirac semimetal, Weyl semimetal and node-line semimetal
- transport properties in topological semimetal: chiral anomaly, chiral magnetic effect and negative magneto-resistance